Monday, August 11, 2008

Tiring week!

Sorry guys, these few days been a tiring week. Let me tell you why.

Saturday went to club. Was there for a shoot, but unfortunately, they changed the timing. Luckily, my friends were there too, :D

Clubs always have been my gym. Hence, as usual, danced till I nearly dropped dead. Anyhow, while moving around the club exploring for some space for me to dance, I met a dude with a blown-up hair (those that youths whom are hardcore punk rock fans wear). A nice dude, seems troubled to me. Haha, anyway, tried to cheer him up. Not sure if it works, but at least I tried, :D

Anyhow, after the club, went to start work. OMG, more dancing! Totally dead!

Too tired to blog for now, will try to update this post with more info if possible, =)



Maddie Ricola

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