Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Incredible Spam

Dear all,

It has come to my attention that the amount of hate-mails when I opened up my mailbox today. I received more than 100 hate-mails within an hour the episode is aired.

The hate-mails are putting a toll on the speed that I am processing my mails. In response to this, I have created a separate email account for all hate-mails. I have forwarded the addresses to those who have sent me the hate-mails. For those who intend to send hate-mails, please wait for the next episode airing on which I will be releasing the address.

I am glad about the overwhelming response from you guys.

Thank you for your continuous support.

PS: There's nothing for you to hate me for. There's something for some lucky viewers that involves the 15 girls, I shall not reveal more, :)

For those curious about what's showing next in the air and in this blog, I am going to club with the 15 girls. Of course, the 4 babe hosts will be helping me out. So catch me dance with 19 babes soon! PS: For those who clubbed with me, you should know this is the episode that's worth every second of your time, :D


Maddie Ricola

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